Alan Johnston
and congratulations. Thanks to Hamas, the new government of Gaza, for not only facilitating but implementing his release unharmed. Not a case of Hamas 'attempting to claim credit' for his release, as one one his BBC colleagues sneeringly put it, but credit earned and deserved. One might hope that this achievement will lead to some thaw and new openings in the stagnant mid-east peace process, but with the West's mind as tightly sealed as a jar of ten-year old jam, it is unlikely. Yet we can hope.
Good luck to Mr. Johnston - by right he should return to Gaza as correspondent, but that may be too much to ask in the short term. He looks fine, still running on adrenalin, as many have observed, the only discordant note being an Israeli flag plonked behind him as he was giving his first interview - the arsonist being given credit for putting out the fire.