from Wolfie's departure?
Well, as my good wife said, every man thinks with his dick, and the more powerful and exalted the man, to the greater extent his thoughts are thus preoccupied.
Getting another job and a pay rise for his 'girl friend'? Was this actually necessary? Doesn't Wolfie have a good enough salary so that his better half could give up work, if there is a conflict of interest, and they would still be able to afford a little place in down-town Washington somewhere - maybe not in the best area but... (Or I hasten to add, for fear of being thought sexist, the other way round).
No, good riddance again, not just because of dick-related problems, but this was a shameless political post, as the cartoonist above acidly noted, whereby Dubya abused the control that the US administration has over WB presidential appointments. This to ensure neocon influence over the Bank, at a time when the position of deputy Defence Secretary was looking a little shaky. Killing two birds, in other words. It was difficult to understand what commitment Wolfie might have to impoverished 3rd world development (the third of a trillion dollars so far spent on Iraq might have gone a long way...)
Anyway, it's Wolfie's girl friend's job now to find him a job...
Meanwhile, what of a successor? Remember, the post of president of the World Bank is traditionally given to someone with extremely close links to and sympathies with the US administration, an American citizen, and someone who is finishing one illustrious job and at a turning point in his career. Yes, of course, ta-rah, ta-rah : Tony Blair. As we speak, Blair is spending a good part of his final month in office on a sunset tour of Africa (mightn't be an idea to spend this time at home?) burnishing his development credentials and impressing the interview panel. You have been warned. At least there'll be no sex scandals - will there ?